Dog Washing

A full wash is a service The Dog Barber offers to clean the skin and coat of your dog. The Dog Barber use shampoo and conditioner based upon the coat type of your dog. This grooming service helps by removing any bad odours and smells from the animal whilst also cleaning and rehydrating the dog’s skin. Included in this service is a wash & bath in shampoo and conditioner, blow-dried, eyes/ears cleaned, nails trimmed and doggie perfume.

Dog Wash & Dry Includes


Removal of Excess Fur.

Bathed in Shampoo & Conditioner.

Eyes Cleaned


Ears Cleaned.

Nails Trimmed.

Pet Deodoriser


Get in Touch Today for More Information on Inclusions & Dog Grooming Services

Dog Grooming

Includes brush out and comb, eyes and ears cleaned, nails trimmed and pet deodoriser.

Puppy Program

In the six weeks, we ensure that your puppy is properly exposed to grooming from a young age.



Help your dog through the shedding process and minimise unwanted hair around the house.